The University of Arizona

Foothills Dermatology & Facial Plastic Surgery

LOGO Oct 2009 jpeg Our Team Fundraising Goal is $500.00! So far we have raised $375.00!

We have taken care of and met many wonderful people who have been afflicted with this potentially deadly cancer. Our goal is to identify these skin lesions as soon as possible, so that surgical removal will be the only treatment needed. Unfortunately that is easier said than done. The ABCDE’s of Melanoma cannot be overstated to get someone evaluated. If you see a concerning skin change–urge that person to get it evaluated. Please help us fight melanoma today and support Melanoma Walk 2011. The event is hosted by the Skin Cancer Institute at the Arizona Cancer Center and proceeds from the 1.5 mile walk stay in Arizona and will support melanoma research, patient care, community outreach and education.

Our team includes:
Connie Gee
Regan Martinez
Katherine Orlick
Mei-li Ortega
Melissa Ortega
Jeremy Roberts
Chelsea Spears
Cooper Spears
Gloria Trejo
Javier Trejo
Julio Trejo
Heather Campani
Anabell Trujillo

Team Leader: Francisco Trejo


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