The University of Arizona

Team SkinFit

sun-rays-300x249 Our Team Fundraising Goal is $300.00! So far we have raised $275.00!

Team SkinFit is raising funds to help fight melanoma and increase awareness of the importance of skin cancer screening and sun protection. We want to support the effort to help people learn where their “skin fits in” and how to keep it fit!

A mix of recruits… UofA grad students, friends and family, the team was formed in honor of one member’s “Mom” who had a large melanoma removed years ago, but thankfully has been cancer free since.

Team SkinFit is dog friendly and welcomes virtual team members too – join in!

Someone dies every hour from melanoma. Over the past 30 years the number of new cases of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, has more than doubled. Please help me fight melanoma today and support Melanoma Walk 2011. The event is hosted by the Skin Cancer Institute at the Arizona Cancer Center and proceeds from the 1.5 mile walk stay in Arizona and will support melanoma research, patient care, community outreach and education.

Our team includes:
Vivien Lee
Shirley Mason
Tom Nash
Jerry Poplin
Anna Sugeng
Hannah Day
Carol Fortel
James Hagopian
Charles Ruth
Dianna Sirianni

Team Leader: Ginnie Day


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